Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A True Cinderella Story (Sort Of)

The following is transcribed from a conversation that took place on January 30th:
Al Kass4:okay so
Al Kass4:they had an arcade night tonight
Al Kass4:and they had an ultimate mortal kombat 3 machine
Al Kass4:so me and milton went up, and i played him
Al Kass4:i, of course, was scorpion, and he was sub zero
Al Kass4:so i beat him with ease
Al Kass4:but as soon as we got over there, this guy goes
"oh im playing winner"

Al Kass4:guy looks all geared up
Al Kass4:apparently he was standing behind us watching me,
and he said to andrew timm, "watch this, im gonna
kick this guy's butt"

Al Kass4:so milton steps away
Al Kass4:and the guy steps up and goes "alright, it's on buddy"
Al Kass4:so
Al Kass4:strategically
Al Kass4:i picked smoke
Al Kass4:2 best moves in the game
Al Kass4:we start, immediately i teleport punched him
Al Kass4:HOO HA
Al Kass4:and then i speared him
Al Kass4:and i kept doing that a couple times
Al Kass4:won that round reasonably easily
Al Kass4:then the next round
Al Kass4:kid's drilling me
Al Kass4:had me down to about 10% and i hadnt touched him
Al Kass4:and then
Al Kass4:BAM
Al Kass4:got him once with the spear, and it was game over
Al Kass4:trounced his a
Al Kass4:he couldnt get a move in after that
Balrog1030:good jorb
Al Kass4:and i said "alright im done" and walked away
Al Kass4:the moral of the story is
Al Kass4:you dont come into my house and tell me youre
gonna kick my butt at my game

Al Kass4:it's not often that i lose at mortal kombat
Al Kass4:especially not to cocky s.o.b.'s
Al Kass4:it was epic
Al Kass4:i was quite proud of myself
Balrog1030:that is a true cinderella story

1 comment:

Bill said...

This is truly inspiring.