Tuesday, March 3, 2009

One More Thing

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I hate the Guitar Hero drum set. That thing is a piece of junk. It drops notes, it's wireless (automatically a bad thing), and the pads feel freaking weird. I was only getting three stars on easy songs because it refused to let me get higher than a 2x multiplier.

And you know what else? I hate HDTVs. Well, no, I hate trying to integrate Guitar Hero with an HDTV. The lag calibration is impossible. Even if you "fix" it, you can still feel it. It feels like trying to play an instrument with your hands submerged in mud. For crying out loud, since they aren't making CRT TVs anymore, fix the lag before you release the next game. I'm sick of dealing with it. I actually like watching television in HD. Except when it's regular television, in which case it sucks and looks all pixelated. Eff.

I'm so glad my 8AM [in the morning] class is cancelled tomorrow. I don't think I could deal with so-called "Professional Development" this week. It's like taking 6th grade all over again, without all the perks. No, it's actually way worse than that. 6th grade was awesome. PD1 is not awesome. Although the teacher is actually kind of chill. The only thing is that he says "8AM in the morning," which is one of my pet peeves. You might as well say "8AM AM," or "8 in the morning in the morning." It means the same God-blasted thing.

Oh yeah, and now instead of just one blue screen of death related to my video card and/or drivers, I'm getting two. THAT MEMORY PARITY ERROR IS BACK! My "G" key doesn't really work too well either. The time draws nigh to make good on my warranty.

The wammy bar on the Syn custom is broken. What a freaking pain. The little can opener in the kitchen sucks. The electric one is also a pain. "Lost" is just a random mish-mosh of nonsense with a set of regular characters. The water here tastes metallic, and we no longer have a Brita filter. There's no milk to eat Corn Flakes with.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I had a dream I was being chased by two Terminators. By way of my cleverness, I got away from them, but it was still a very intense and trying experience. Terminators don't typically mess around. At least these ones were satisfied with giving me back a pen I had lost. Only, I hadn't lost a pen. I think it was just their pretense to kill me. It's not the best way to start off the week (since I start off the week on Tuesday rather than Monday).

Man, I am in a foul mood.


Andrew J. Clark said...

I apologize for tantalizing you with memories of star wars toys. Also, the Terminator. New preview. You should watch it. This post made me laugh.
That is all.

Bill said...

The fifth and sixth paragraphs are sheer poetic beauty. I laughed aloud.