Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Bit More Productive

My roommate Alex Rakotz happened to walk by while I was loafing on my bed watching "Lost." He told me I should be a bit more productive, so this is my attempt. I didn't have class today, just like every Thursday, and since this upcoming week is Spring break, I don't really have anything to do for classes tomorrow. This week was something of a joke for me on the whole.

I am up to the fourth season of "Lost" at this point. I have been watching for approximately three weeks now (I started the first season during Valentine's Day weekend, when I had four consecutive days off, along with the fourth season of 24). I have almost completely caught up with the current airing of the show. I suppose this is quite a feat.

It's not like I really have anything better to spend my time on. I also have spent a fair amount of the last few days playing my guitar, and last night I even started playing "God of War" for want of something a little different than what I've been doing. I guess I'm basically bored out of my skull, although it's not really something that bothers me altogether too much. I can't wait for break, because I'm tired of sitting around here doing nothing. I would rather be at home for a week doing nothing, at least with access to a car and the upcoming CBA musical to look forward to.

I don't really have anything good to say. I guess I'll leave it there.

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