Sunday, March 22, 2009

On the Absurdity of Sports

I was sitting at a baseball game today, and it occurred to me that sports are utterly and completely absurd. I mean, stop for a second. You're standing there with a stick, trying to hit a ball away from people so that you can run around a square path marked with "bases" at 60 foot intervals. What are you thinking? What is the significance of any of this action? What's more, how is it that we have determined the ideal positions and sequences of motion to accomplish these odd things? And why do people enjoy watching them so much? I seriously think that if I were an alien visiting Earth for a day, I would conclude that humans are insane.

Hmmm...that little rant was much shorter than I originally intended. But really, think about it. Sports are completely ridiculous. Why are they such a huge part of life?

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