Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why is this blog entitled "256 Colors?"

Well my friends, back in the day some computer games (such as those in the "Madeline" series) would only run in 256 colors. Sometimes games will inform you that certain conditions must be met in order for them to run, but they're just helpful suggestions to improve your experience. Other games, however, insist that they will only run in 256 colors. They force you to go into your display properties and actually change your color settings. It's like a visual downgrade.

Well, let me just tell you that this is in no way metaphorical or analogous. It just happened to pop into my head. Okay, even that's a lie. I'll tell you why I really thought of it. Earlier I was downloading Tool's "Lateralus" at Andrew Clark's prompting, via the wonderful services provided by Demonoid. Now, Demonoid only lists music files up to 256kbps; anything higher is listed as "over 256kbps." Thus, wanting the best quality music file I could find, I used the handy Ctrl+F find feature that Firefox provides (much better than most Find commands, let me tell you) to search for "256" on the page. I eventually located a worthy file; however, I never closed the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. As a result, all day it has been sitting there in my browser, displaying "256" from my previous search. Whilst pondering a blog title (this went on for less than 15 seconds, to be honest), I spied the number and remembered the old games and their insistance on running in 256 colors.

And a blog was born.

The funny thing is, "Lateralus" was insiting on taking about 12 hours to download. I eventually just listened to it on YouTube. I didn't like it. BUT DARN IT, I TRIED IT!

Oh yeah, a few minutes ago I cooked the perfect piece of bacon. In appearance and taste, it was positively beautiful.

From left to right: Anastasia, Cinderella, and Drizella
(Anastasia and Drizella were still quite delicious)

In order to bring this post some closure:


1 comment:

Andrew J. Clark said...

Even though you didn't like the song, I thank you for trying it. That's all I can ask for. Congrats on the bacon.
