Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I am without a topic. It's the story of my life. I have no direction whatsoever. I feel like an amorphous blob, dictated completely by my spur-of-the-moment whims. One such whim was writing a new blog post, right this instant. As a result, I am rap-tap-tapping away while the sonorous melodies of Metal Gear Solid 4 emanate from the television a scant eight or so feet away. Boy, is it annoying. This weird banshee-like voice keeps saying "SNAAAAAAKE!" I'm getting quite sick of it. I remember when Dolch played through the whole game before Christmas break. Actually, to call it a "game" is a bit of a misnomer. It's more like a collection or 20+ minute cutscenes (or rather, cinematics; cutscenes are usually short bridges between gameplay) with a few bits of actual play time in between. I don't know what the big deal is. From what I've seen and heard, the writing is pretty bad and the story is nothing to write home about.

I can't escape across the hall, either, because they're playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl (my goodness, that is a quite a mouthful). That's basically all they ever do. That game isn't even that much fun, but it's not like I understand anybody's taste in anything (to include movies and music).

Well, I took a brief hiatus to attempt to help Meg fix her CD drive (to no avail), and to fix my Daemon tools (to avail). In order to accomplish the latter, I had to restart my computer, and while it was taking its oh-so-pokey time booting up, I sat down at the new Guitar Hero drum set to play a few songs. Boy howdy, I still do not like that drum set. It feels real squishy and it does not respond well. I must at least lay part of the blame on the lag. HDTVs are far, far less than ideal for Guitar Hero. In fact, I almost never play on our living room television because the lag drives me insane.

I suppose to continue on my impromptu discussion of video game merits, I started playing Tomb Raider 3 last week. I have to say I'm enjoying it more than I expected to, although it is a bit disjointed. However, it has one huge drawback: in order to access the bonus level at the end, every secret in the entire game must be collected. Since levels can't be replayed, this means that I must find them all on my first run-through. Given the utter absurdity of some of the secrets, this necessitates the use of a walkthrough, which takes a good portion of the fun of exploring out of the game. Not to mention is a gigantic pain to have to minimize every thirty seconds or so to make sure I'm not missing that secret that will doom me for the rest of forever. And I'm sure not anticipating the final boss, who is most assuredly ludicrous, if rather cool looking.

Enough about video games. Today was free pancake day at IHOP. I went with the rest of the Thompson crew (well, most of them) and waited for a goodly while before sitting down to wait another goodly while to get my somewhat meager short stack of pancakes. I ordered a side of bacon that never came ("THE BACON THAT NEVER COOOOOMES!" (that's a Death Magnetic joke, folks)), and Justin and Alex suffered similar grievances, with chocolate chip pancakes and corned beef hash, respectively. We left only a ten percent tip, because I admit the place was pretty flooded, but we didn't get our food.

Afterwards the Studbuckets engaged some Air Force ROTC basketball team and suffered a 42-30 loss. Our defense was quite solid at most points, but we still lacked the necessary offensive fervor of a winning team. Our record is 0-8 lifetime, or 0-9 counting the game that was officially stricken from the books because Jon got hurt and play had to be suspended. At least he has a cool scar to show for it. And at least we now have a uniform of sorts. And heck, I committed an epic foul by throwing my entire body at one of their players while he was attempting to score, thoroughly knocking him out of bounds.

I think I want some bacon now, to make up for that which I did not receive earlier. As an added bonus, it will now be thick-sliced bacon free of additional charge. w00t.

This post brought to you by Battlestar Galactica Lara Croft.

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