Monday, February 16, 2009

President's Day

First, a word from Wikipedia:

"All across America, President's Day is used as an excuse to sell mattresses and beds. Many stores advertise special Presidents Day Mattress Sales and Presidents Day Mattress Events."

(; that's right, it has its own section title.)

This President's Day, I'm off from school. In fact, I'm off from school every Monday. Conveniently, though, since apparently we are required to have the same number of each week day in every semester, I also have Tuesday off. You see, we had Martin Luther King Jr. Day off in January. Strike a Monday. Now, we have President's day off. Strike another Monday? Now we have two less Mondays than every other week day. Solution: make Tuesday a Monday class day, and strike a Tuesday. Since I have no classes on Monday class days, I now have a four day weekend. (In case you care, the Wednesday is taken care of during GM Week, for student government elections, and the Thursday and Friday are given as reading days just prior to finals week.)

Now, when I was in Nashville at the very beginning of 2009, I bought this neat little blue journal with a velvety-feeling cover. It's actually bound with real binding, so it's not like your average little notebook, which makes it completely awesome. I picked up writing in there as a pretty much daily process, just to get a little practice and ensure that I wouldn't become completely illiterate here at RPI. The thing is, I'm actually an aspiring writer myself, although a bit more directionless. I've had many ideas cross my mind that could be developed into novels eventually, but I often focus on specific scenarios and details rather than an overarching plot, so what I really come up with is single scenes that play in my head like movies. I see exactly what happens, and its potential significance to a greater whole, but I don't know what that greater whole is yet.

Anyway, I started this journal just to practice my writing. It worked really well. To be honest, I prefer to type because I find it easier to keep my words at pace with my thoughts. Writing with a pen on paper forced me to slow myself down a little bit, and was an interesting exercise. The only thing was, while it was just great for putting down thoughts I want to keep to myself, it was impossible to broadcast any thoughts I might want other people to know. I actually wrote a few "blog posts" in that journal; things I would normally have gone and put online.

While I still love that journal, I now have an outlet for those random things that I want to make public. I can still use my little blue book to write down other stuff that isn't fit for public viewing (I order your mind out of the gutter, IMMEDIATELY). And yes, I am quite familiar with the blogging realm. I have come and gone many times since I was but a junior in high school. This time, I'm going to try and get something off the ground.

I apologize if I dashed your dreams of reading a blog about President's Day to itty bitty fragments. I am guilty of entitling my posts in misleading ways. I suppose if I were ever to write songs, it would be the same way (although I wouldn't make them rambling epics, like some bands do).


1 comment:

Andrew J. Clark said...

I still have my own little black book in which I keep my more personal thoughts.

It doesn't have a velvet-cover though, so it's not quite so pimpin'.