Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dry Spell

I've been in the midst of a blogging drought, in case no one can tell. I haven't written in well over a month now. I like writing blogs. It lets me sort out all of my thoughts so that other people can read them. Unfortunately, my more recent thoughts are so confused and scattered that it would be nigh impossible to make anything discernible out of them.

There are all these songs that I can partially relate to my mindset. Each one has a little piece of the puzzle, but none of them quite get the whole picture. In fact, it's the same with TV shows and movies. There are all these things going on that I can watch and say, "Hey, that reminds me of my life, except there are a few differences." And in fact there are lots of things that I wish would happen in my life. I don't know if those kinds of things are realistic, or if its just wishful fiction. I mean, when someone writes a show like that, is it influenced by reality, or is it just something they kind of make up out of thin air?

I will say this, though: painting fences is good work for relieving stress. I don't know why. As a matter of fact, so is announcing. I actually feel happiest when I'm at the ball park, hanging out with my 12 year old buddies. I don't even really have any friends my own age around here. It's kind of weird when I think about it.

Man, this feels really disjointed. Hopefully it's at least a start on blogging remediation. I haven't been able to do any kind of solid, good thinking for a long while.